Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 4 - 30DayLifeChange

Well friends I am officially on Day 4. I kinda took a break over the weekend. By break I don't mean I didn't make changes and do things, I just didn't write about them.

I'm so excited because I've had  so many messages, emails, tweets and texts from people who have decided to join me. To you I say, 'Keep Going!' To others I say, 'JOIN US!'

What have I done today to make changes?
I have contacted some new and exciting people. Set up interviews for my show, researched a lot. Spent the day praying about my friends father who is going in for surgery today and having a tumor removed. She (and he) are in Australia so I committed to praying for him whilst they slept. I will continue to do so throughout the day and tomorrow. I am believing the health and totally healing in his body. In doing this I have included my children and again reinforced the importance of a life of prayer and extending ourselves to others in need not only in the physical but spiritual as well. Listening to my children pray for my friends father and their friends grandfather has been so beautiful. I encourage you to pray with your children.

I have re organised a closet in my youngest daughters room. I finished all the laundry by midday.....YES, IT'S DONE FOR THE WEEK. Phew! I emailed a few friends to wish them a happy birthday and I have written a hand written note to a great friend simply to let them know I'm thinking about them. I created a painting station for my daughter who has created something beautiful.

Now I am off to finish cleaning for the week ~ need to mop a floor, put some clothes away, make one last bed and hang a few pictures and then it's on to making dinner. After dinner, homework and soccer practice I think we'll all head out for a pre bedtime bike ride or walk. Then it's bedtime, possibly a little more work and at 9pm I will be found glued to the television watching American Idol (one of my pleasures right now).

I feel strong I know I'm making changes that will last and because of that I feel GREAT. I can't wait for tomorrow to see what will happen.

I love that you have joined me on this journey.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


hey everyone, glad you decided to jump on and take a peek at my 30DAYLIFECHANGE.

i'm doing this simply because i've found myself a little unsatisfied with a few things right now. not huge major things (in my life) but none the less, things that are taking my attention away from the bigger picture of life

instead of settling i've decided that i'm going to tackle this head on. i've decided to do something everyday that will change where i am today for tomorrow and ultimately after the 30 day life change things will look very different.

i actually started moving on this yesterday so the wheels are already in motion. yesterday i began a wellness plan meaning i'm eating differently, being totally mindful of what's going in and not over indulging on anything. i'll share the entire wellness story at the end of the 30 days (need to make sure it works :)). in addition to my eating i am following our familyroom
may in motion plan which has me more active than i have been for most of the winter months. believe me... i feel better already.

something else from yesterday. we moved into a new home recently and everything has found a home except some of my most beloved wall treasures (pictures, paintings....some of the stuff that makes my house a home). so, i hung a few things yesterday. i planned it all out, found the hammer a few nails and away i went. once hung i found myself smiling every time i walked by a family photo, a photo of the children, art that was bought on a special holiday, the painting my mother did of the church we were married in. those few things made me feel settled, happy, warm and fuzzy.

so friends i'm off and i believe that in 30 days i will feel very different to the way i feel today and today isn't bad (at all) just not where i want to be.

wondering who will join me? what areas of life do you have that aren't 'just right'? i am confident that we will all feel stronger, more confident, happier and healthier following this 30 DAYLIFECHANGE.

here we go......i can't wait to hear your stories.

susan xo

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mom's on the Move!

hey friends today i interviewed a great guest (and now friend) on my morning online radio show. 

jump on and listen ON DEMAND as i talk to julie maloney founder of wiimommies. the conversation was great, the callers were interesting and the chat room (that you can no longer see) was pumping. people were loving listening to julie and her story. 

julie took control of her life when she discovered she had reached 220lbs (that's when she quit looking). julie did what any busy mom knows to do, she took what was in her hands (wiifit) and began her transformation. friends, if you want to be inspired to move, make a change in your own life then you MUST listen to this show.

the show was so good, julie and i are working out our schedules to do another show together and we're going to go a little 'deeper' and talk about SEX!!!!! to learn more about julie and what she's up to jump on momspective it's a super cute site with stax of stuff!
stay tuned because the conversation on 'coffee with susan and friends' just gets better and better.

have the best weekend everyone!

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