I'm so excited because I've had so many messages, emails, tweets and texts from people who have decided to join me. To you I say, 'Keep Going!' To others I say, 'JOIN US!'
What have I done today to make changes?
I have contacted some new and exciting people. Set up interviews for my show, researched a lot. Spent the day praying about my friends father who is going in for surgery today and having a tumor removed. She (and he) are in Australia so I committed to praying for him whilst they slept. I will continue to do so throughout the day and tomorrow. I am believing the health and totally healing in his body. In doing this I have included my children and again reinforced the importance of a life of prayer and extending ourselves to others in need not only in the physical but spiritual as well. Listening to my children pray for my friends father and their friends grandfather has been so beautiful. I encourage you to pray with your children.
I have re organised a closet in my youngest daughters room. I finished all the laundry by midday.....YES, IT'S DONE FOR THE WEEK. Phew! I emailed a few friends to wish them a happy birthday and I have written a hand written note to a great friend simply to let them know I'm thinking about them. I created a painting station for my daughter who has created something beautiful.
Now I am off to finish cleaning for the week ~ need to mop a floor, put some clothes away, make one last bed and hang a few pictures and then it's on to making dinner. After dinner, homework and soccer practice I think we'll all head out for a pre bedtime bike ride or walk. Then it's bedtime, possibly a little more work and at 9pm I will be found glued to the television watching American Idol (one of my pleasures right now).
I feel strong I know I'm making changes that will last and because of that I feel GREAT. I can't wait for tomorrow to see what will happen.
I love that you have joined me on this journey.