Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Protecting Children!

I sit this morning, having just finished my morning radio show, challenged by the topic. Today we discussed Child Pornography or as it should be called Child Abuse and Sexual Images. My heart aches for the countless children that are being exploited. This is a billion dollar industry and sadly it's only increasing.

I read that in 2003 20% of all pornography traded over the internet was child pornography, and that since 1997 the number of child pornography images available on the Internet had increased by 1500% (comparison coming just to help understand). This is now a billion dollar industry and among the fastest growing criminal segments on the Internet (according to the USA The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children).

Since beginning my research on this my blood has been boiling. I'm sure my blood pressure is at an all time high (maybe that's why I have a headache and heart ache). Friends, we can't sit any longer. Our children, their children need us to use our voices. We need to make noise, we need to stand up for injustice and stand against violence towards children.

My status on my Facebook update today says, 'If you think you are too small to make a difference, then you haven't spent a night in a tent with a mosquito.' We can all make a difference, we were are on the planet at this moment in time for a reason and one of those reasons is to protect our children. To be the strong voice that they need to say STOP HURTING ME!

Join us as we do what we can to make a difference because I know we can.

Have a listen (On Demand) to the show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/susanjsohn

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